Non-Perishable Food Items for GMS
We are collecting non-perishable items for students at Grissom Middle School to have during Christmas Break. Use the button below to learn more and sign up.

Sponsor a Child for Christmas
If you would like to sponsor a child for Christmas, please use the sign-up below. Each child receives the following:
- 2 new outfits
-2 fun items (there are some suggestions from parents, but you don't have to buy the exact things listed)
- Wrapping paper, tape, or gift bags so the family can wrap the gifts
- 2 new outfits
-2 fun items (there are some suggestions from parents, but you don't have to buy the exact things listed)
- Wrapping paper, tape, or gift bags so the family can wrap the gifts

Chilannes Donations
EPIC is building a team of medical professionals and sports camp volunteers to send to Chillanes Ecuador in July of 2025. We have had a partnership with the church in Chillanes for over 10 years, and we are thrilled to be able to serve and love them this summer. There are many things that go into making a trip like this possible, and we realize that not everyone at EPIC can be "feet on the ground" but the entire church can be a part of this journey! We are looking for partners to help provide at least 1600 meals for kids and families while we are down there and also sponsor the cost of several translators that we will need to hire for this trip.