•  Christianity makes up approx. 1% of the Thailand population.
  • 95% of the population identifies as Buddhist.
  • The F. Family is focusing on relationship building, church planting and training of missionaries who are being sent to different areas within Asia.
  • These partnerships around the world are focused on planting churches and developing disciples who make disciples. Additionally, at Epic we are strongly committed to making a difference in our local community; therefore we are involved with several organizations and reach out in multiple ways throughout the year.

Ecuador - A. B. W.

  • Located in the Highlands of Ecuador with 13,000 inhabitants. The main occupation is farming.
  • 85% of the homes don’t have full access to basic services (water, electricity).
  • Epic is supporting a Compassion Project to reach up to 400 children!
  • If you would like to learn more or sponsor a child from Chillanes, CLICK HERE.
  • To learn more about Compassion's Survival Initiative, CLICK HERE.
  • Learn more about Epic's partnership in this article: These Two Churches United for Hope and Survival.

SENEGAL - The G. Family

  • Located in West Africa
  • Christianity makes up approximately 4% of the population
  • The G. family is focusing on supporting church planting efforts on the continent.
  • Epic partners through prayer, financial support, equipping, faithfully engaging and encouraging our partnerships throughout the year, and sending short-term teams.

Thailand - L. K. 

LK is serving a vital role in Chiang Mai Thailand with students and families at Grace International School.  Liz is a teacher sharing God's love, His Word, and her love for science with those she has the opportunity to interact with.  Many of the students at Grace International School have families serving in remote and difficult parts of the world.  Liz is also an extension of their ministries through what she does at Grace!

Compassion International
Survival Initiative -- Chillanes

Compassion International’s Survival initiative focuses on promoting development and survival of the most vulnerable babies, while also providing education and support for the mother or primary caregiver. The mission of Survival is to ensure that the critical needs of babies and mothers are being met immediately.

Epic Church has been supporting the Survival program in the community of Chillanes, Ecuador for the past 3 years. Your generosity allows us to help equip the local church in Chillanes to reach out to mothers and babies at high risk because of extreme poverty. Our goal each year is to raise $13,000.

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